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You are viewing Cheat Codes for 2006 FIFA World Cup System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-04-20 10:36:56 Views : 27049 Starting a career with any team If you support a team like Chelsea or Milan, and you want to choose that team without having to buy all the career teams, use the following trick. Go to then main menu, then select "Team Management", then "Edit Player". Choose any team and begin to edit their players up to 78. You can still leave some players with overall 83, but to make sure leave them at 78. You can edit almost all, if not all, of your team's players, Then, go to career mode and your team will be available. Also because your overall is 78, your players will not ask for more salary and you can keep that team always, unlike just swapping the starting eleven's for the subs (even if you can choose that team, you will lose a lot of salary and eventually be fired). Do not worry about your players having overall 78. If you keep winning, your players will almost go back to their original overall stats. Also, go to Club Transfers and take some players you do not need or like. This will also make your players ask for less salary, because you will have less players. All-European Team Win the World Cup with a team from Europe. All-World Team Unlock the above teams. All-African Team Win the World Cup with a team from Africa. All-Asian Team Win the World Cup with a team from Asia. All-Americans Team Win the World Cup with a team from the Americas. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more 2006 FIFA World Cup cheat codes.
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